Arthritis, Alba and All

simple answer is Evil!

I have 2 types and some mention of Fibromyn algia  Which for some reason I just wont have it I have got it… The link is to arthritis care and for both support and care you couldn’t find better when you have this evil shift.

The two I have are Psoriatic arthritis  and Osteoarthritis  again these people can explain it so much better.

I live with them and know between them they are eating away both the cartridge and eroding the bones here there and everywhere but their technical definition can be explained far better by people like AC.

The osteoarthritis I have had since my teens in knees and feet and the back well I had trouble with that at 14,….

Often its been called the wear and tear one but that gets my back up so much as it has nothing to do with it and I am sure I read somewhere its got genetic links and so you have a predisposition to it as well as the wearing out of joints old age brings.

I so kick out at the wear and tear thing and think its so wrong to dismiss it so badly as it has trashed me life from my teens and I couldn’t have worn it out so quickly…..

Treatments for Osteo

In my experience its not treatable as such though AC news on their helplines does give some hope for folks just starting on the osteo path. Info here I hope Strontium Ranelate in the news today

I am so pleased at last there is some hope and possible break through as all i have ever had is pain control and operations to help alleviate but never control the oa.  Its got a good hold on me now, the knees, feet, hips, back and wrists with the psa in the shoulders, ribs and wrists as well as the neck I don’t have much hope left, hence needed Alba.

Treatments for the PSA…….

Mines been limited cus of the oa. Its financial in my case as I have so much wrong now what the point of treating the psa cus I will still be trashed. I was shoved on palliative care 2 or so years ago and it still hurts! I do get methotrexate (mtx) and I did spend a year on the sulpha before that but though it did help I got a major reaction to it.

There are a few other treatments available Leflunomide, the MTX, biologicals and Anti-TNF’s are also used.

What ever its technical definition it’s also RA twin and mirrors it quite well.

I have had it years but was diagnosed with it round 2009 by then it had done some erosion so the earlier they get hold of it the better. Mine has never really been under control and someday’s I wonder is this life……

Again hence Alba…..

There are ver 200 types of arthritis and it can hit the young, the old and all ages in-between. I am the only member of my family with the pa ( I am lazy and forget the s in the middle) I do have crohns as well and so does my elder brother and a few other things have materialised in my other brother and sister so there is a general link but I got the bones and they were sort of more unlucky if you look at it one way.

Comments on: "What Is Arthritis…….." (10)

  1. So interesting Cris, and yes I believe there are many types of Arthritis. In fact I’ve even got it in my ear toes and wrists. The Audiologist said it would take up to 40 years for the Arthritis in my ear to close up, so I’m not that worried. NIce blog.

  2. Oh Ron its unfortunate you have it in your ears but glad you have 40 years before it closes them.

    Its an evil condition which ever type and at least we with it understand it and this is my way of working through it I guess.

    Glad you enjoyed reading it and it was so nearly called the extracts from a fool’s diary again lol xx

  3. Tony said:

    Hello Cris mi lovely. I’m so sorry I’ve not been in touch lately…
    I will ring you soon I promise..
    Keep the blog blogging my dear friend..
    Yorkshire Blokey Hugs coming your way.

    • Thanks for the blokey hugs and long time no see….Hope things will improve for you I really do. Tea and a ton of hugs coming back to you and Janet xx

  4. Thanks for the link Cris ! Great to have you participating in our research. Here’s a link to my blog as well:http://nonprofit

    • I agree it is indeed evil. You never know when it’s going to flare up and knock you right down for ages.

      • Ron its giving me a huge kicking just now lol.

        Hope all is well with you and I promise I will pop in soon. Cris x

    • Oh Teo that’s a real blog 🙂

      I shall keep an eye on it and think its such a good idea and will help the non profit making folk so much to have an outlet.

      Was a pleasure talking to you Cris x

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