Arthritis, Alba and All

Mr Harry (Haz)

aka The Loon…….

Harry has been a bit peeved that Alba got the lime light and he didn’t so he is making me do this lol.

I got him via a friend who told me there was a 9 month old Springer Spaniel being put down for biting.  I had just lost one of my springer (I had two black and white english ones and they are gret dogs) and was looking out for another as my girl was pinning a bit even though she had a few other dog friends here.

So I said I would go and get him, like you do.

Pip my Springer

Pip my Springer

He was living in a cage a lot of the time, in a flat as he had become so destructive and he wasn’t a springer. He was a springer crossed to a collie and he was very stressed out. extremely actually.

He had been hand reared and that wouldn’t have helped but he had not got the kind of exercise or  brain stimulation he needed for sure. I got him in the car and did notice he was a bit iffy round the edges with not knowing me and a car trip.

I had another dog at home as well as Pip, well I had a few but one was a harrier. Now he had been the worst dog I had ever met and I knew within seconds Haz would be close on his heels for that title lol.

Milo was also about the same sort of age when I got him and he had so much energy but had been tied to a shed and also lived inside of a flat. They did realise they had the wrong dog so at least that’s something but

Milo the Harrier

Milo the Harrier

Mi always had to be run on a rope till the day  lost him as you had to have a chance of grabbing something as he went over the hedge…..  He was a very striking dog and unlike Haz his temperament was 100% Haz at tha point couldn’t have reached 60% to be honest.

We came in and immediately Mi said ‘I don’t like that dog!’ and Haz said ‘It’s mutual!’  so there was a bit of friction but I had a lovely lurcher cross and her and Pip didn’t always see eye to eye but were amicable so I didn’t see that as too big a problem. Thankfully except for the occasional scrap it wasn’t.  To the end of Mi’s time with us Haz deferred to him to a point.

Sat here the first night with the lurcher was bad enough. She had had a bit of a hard time and was 10 and she sat beside me demanding a hand on her. If I removed it she started howling so i was well used to difficult dogs… hell Pip had been quite a handful as well. We spent the afternoon out in the fields, all of us even the old lab came with me ad Haz ran, and ran and then ran some more.

Haz before he was fully settled and it shows in the eyes

Haz before he was fully settled and it shows in the eyes

He could out run Mi easily and Pip was old enough to know not to try and keep up with him but to try and ambush him with her very best ‘these are my teeth’ expression.Haz was green and fell for it a lot. Pip was a real character to be honest. She had mastered the art of lull them and attack them by the time Haz came along.

He was so bad the first year he really was. He loved to play chase me and one time I took 3 hours to get him to come back to me. He would come close enough to almost touch and then tank off again in a giant circle. After that I ran him on a 15′ training lead and that was it he learned to come back and come up to me, lol.

He was so destructive as well. Soft furnishings are his speciality… I say are cus he will still do them but not as bad and not as often.  The stress is still there and it leads to him getting very over excited. he was neutered before 3 months and it seems to have retarded his maturity somewhat.


In full gallop

In full gallop

His treatment has really got good. He is 100% with people and the only thing he does that gives away the state he can get into is he will fixate on things still. Chicken for sure though he wont hurt or chase them but he does like to try and heard them… that’s the collie in him eh?

He has turned into a really nice dog, he does still try it on a bit but he is no longer the tornado in a jam jar that he once was. He now is asleep in an armchair that he hasn’t tried to eat…. yet lol as you can never say he wont! It took me a good 18 months to get him to be a nice dog to live with. I was absolutely tearing my hair out at times….. cus of the mtx there isn’t much of that left to tear, lol  The he hit that magic age of 3 and he changed.

I suddenly found him easier to live with and he got nicer each week till now…. I would hate to be without him …. though he is such a fun dog but that’s nice really….. not very helpful but defiantly fun!

Toys don't last long lol

Toys don’t last long lol

You can hear the groan can’t you, lol……

Have had a few problems of late. It’s all to do with the increase of the oxycotin and the decrease of the stemitil I think…. They have this thing about saving money really…. Saying that i have been on stemitil for over 14 years so there may be some truth to the liver thing….

Because of the mtx I have regular bloods done and they ave always been ok with the liver results but they decided it was a risk and said to try one a day….

I have had 3 lots of eye migraine and 4 real head ones as well as the eyes so am now back on 3x a day stemitil…. Doc said it was worth a try but she wasn’t the one having the sickness and feeling so ill as well as not being to see to good….

Wonder wh they do it?  Money I think cus they did try and cut the pregabs down and said how expensive they were…. I dug in on that as they are adding to the pain control so why take some away?

Ok end of moan…..

Well maybe, lol.

Alba has hit the 3 month stage (if you take it as 12 weeks)

Nearly as Tall as Bre....

Nearly as Tall as Bre….

She is nearly the same height as Bre…. She will be a big sheep I have no doubt now. Never really did have to be honest.  She is gong (usually) 3-4 hours between her bottles and now has her last at 23.00 and then that’s it till 07.00! Good eh? I did tell her on a farm she would be weaned by now but if she had a mum she wouldn’t be so am going to adhere to that time scale not the normal orphan one. It is what I did with all the sheeps to be honest.

I had a good look at Flower just now, she is due to foal mid month but as yet no sign of any bagging up etc. She isn’t huge and that’s normally been a filly foal…. Its kinda exciting except it all went so wrong last year.

She became very ill just after she got back here… The vet came and she had septicemia…. worst still the vet couldn’t  find a foals heartbeat…. I think the foal was dead actually for some reason. She had mastitis pre-foaling…. So this year i am feeding her milk pellets in a hope lightning wont strike twice.

Flower clearly in foal!

Flower clearly in foal!

The lad was foaled and was clearly not alive from the very beginning. You know it’s this kind of thing I et upset over re my way of life…..

It was a very sad night and day to follow but this yer…. well the foal was pushing out of her side into my hand earlier so fingers crossed eh?

Hey you do know tour all on sitting up duties now don’t you?! Your ‘job’ is to help keep me calm, lol…..

Was going to tell you about a little experiment i have been given.

A friend of mine has a lot of chicken. He breeds for food and obviously you will have guessed I don’t. But he had some cream legbars (actually he gave me 11 of those recently as well) and he ran a Bufforbington lad with them….

The results are interesting actually. I have been lucky,

The Legbar crosses

The Legbar crosses

he told me I could have 6 and I managed to get 5 girls… I hope and one boy snuck in… A friend lost her cockerel so she has had the little boy and these are the girls. Then have the orbingtions colouring with a bit of legbar flashes and I will have to wait and see if they get fluffy legs.

they are about 14 weeks old now so it wont be long before they reach point of lay.. hey I wonder what colour the eggs will be?

We have rain tonight…. we sort of needed some but the grass in the sheeps bit is getting long so I must get one of the horses to go in there and eat it down for me…

That reminds me I must get a few bags of muck sorted as I have a mate who wants some and also the fields need clearing as well… that might be fun with these here bones eh?!

I hope you all have had a decent week and sorry i am late updating but will end with some more pics (for a change lol) All the last 3 days and some in sunshine….

The Cat at a local Nursery... she is lovely but a bit expensive lol

The Cat at a local Nursery… she is lovely but a bit expensive lol

Flo and Primmy today

Flo and Primmy today

The Girls today

The Girls today

That fence will soon be turned on, lol

That fence will soon be turned on, lol

A Cream legbar

A Cream legbar

The Rooks

The Rooks

The Rooks

The Rooks

The Rooks

The Rooks

Being Watched!

Being Watched!

Haz and Lil

Haz and Lil



Ever Hopeful lol

Ever Hopeful lol

Caught in the Act!

Caught in the Act!

Saw something today I have never seen before as well. there is a Rockey near by and they were actually flocking…. have taken some pics but they don’t show the whole thing but it was quite something.

Often have Starlings doing it but never-never seen the Rooks do it… Hope you will be able to make it out a bit.

Where to start…..

Years ago now I had aches and back trouble. Teachers didn’t get it nor did the parents but eventually I was taken to the GP.  They said I had a slipped disc, while unusual for a teenager of about 13 I was quite active and took a few falls from a few horses…. I wasn’t a bad rider but they would put me on the difficult ones because I was quite good.

That lead to showing and that lead to both cross-country and then dressage. I used to love that as well.

In my mid teens I would get off the horses so lame and the knees so hurt I had to have help to the nearest sit down point.

Was eventually taken to the docs and x-rays revealed early onset osteo arthritis…. not the best day of my life. Soon after I got to ride real dressage and after a few years got to intermediate… we don’t talk about how much the knees hurt by then but the old cavalier saddles are kind to both horse and rider.

By my early 20’s I was getting comments about the lack of suppleness in my spine and although still being placed I was losing points.

By 27 they knew I had the old osteo in my spine as well and soon after I had to have a full decompression….. that hurt….. and didn’t go to plan.

Been downhill ever since… except it han’t…. there is life after the diagnosis and well it’s not been so bad…..

The last 12 months have seemed hard…..

My own bones have got a lot harder to fight but I still do with the help of pain relief lol

Old age caught up with so many of the animals to the last 12 months.  I find it so hard to say good bye…. I think you might as you get older?

I hope everyone is ok and staying safe during this hideous pandemic…. Covid is evil and so many folk have been effected by it.

I wont dwell on that but hope so much there wont be any second wave here (I know there will be) but that some real treatment or a vaccine comes first and made available for ALL countries of the World….

Here we trundle along….

Amongst the new rivals I have are some more ex Batt hens.. They are no longer actually battery ones in the UK now BUT caged…. 4 to a cage and the cages are not that big.

See how bad they were when I got them as we left to come home from collecting them…..


And this after a week…



from this phone 004

And this is last week!!

Chicken now

They have all recovered and learned life is good 🙂  They are so friendly to bless them, they mug me every time I go out the door…

Our stolen Pups sister is doing well…


She remains an idiot . ‘Slight’ case of spoilt brat syndrome actually lol

There sheep are having hair cuts and are work in progress as my back and neck might list sheep hair cut duties as the number one thing most likely tpo makre it kick off

from this phone 004

2 down…. 2 to go. I left the easiest 2 last and got the evil I don;t want my hair cut ones done first …. Not well done though Lambie is not bad lol but they were so hairy….


Do you know Ermentrude has to now be 16 years old… She doing so well bless her. No lameness well I wont finish that sentence lol I wont tempt fate lol


Her and Albie’s hair cuts are booked for tomorrow ….

As you see the blind boy,Bertie,  is still happy and doing well. For as long as he is he will be with me. He is lovely actually. Knows my voice so well

You all take care and stay safe




It really is just endless…..

Diary of a Stolen Springer Pup

Because we can’t……

She was born on the 17th June 2013 and she was stolen on the Saturday 16th November 2013. Since that day our lives have changed forever…

Gone is our innocence.  In rural areas there is a belief that your safe. In Cornwall that belief is doubled by the fact we are fairly lucky with serious crime… Its getting more common but its still not  like big cities up country.

Puppy Pup

We used to believe if we popped out somewhere the dogs would be here when we got back….We know that’s a lie now!!  Indeed part of a stolen dog is you stop going out. If you have to all the time your worried someone is breaking in and stealing another.

We now know you wont get them home if they do….

In the UK only 5% of dog thieves and even less cat thieves are prostituted.

If they…

View original post 592 more words

Sadly one Old Friend Lost to the Bridge……

A couple of years ago  a friend asked me if I would like one of her lambs…Looking at him it was fairly obvious that he was not quite right. He was  5 months of age yet  about the size they normally are at 4-5 weeks….Or the Size Albs was at that age anyway.

His head had a slight angle on the way he carried it to so its likely there is some neurological problem…

Thinking he may not be here too long I got him and bought him home. Thankfully he was already neutered…

His name was already Lambie so he kept that though I did think about changing it a few time… I never have


He really is terribly stunted and at that time so very than you could pick him up one-handed and his weight was no more than an average cat.

Lovely Ethel agreed to look after him a bit….She was such a lovely girl but sadly she her self is the old friend now at the Bridge …. I do miss her but she has only recently crossed to it.

He has picked up a lot in the past 2 years (it was 2 years in November)  He remains small but he has got decent weight on and he is very happy even if it’s not necessarily going to be a long life.


Then in March 2015  I was asked if I would take on a blind sheep….He had been born 5 weeks earlier without any eyes….We made a small enclosure next to the sheep shed  and bought his Mum and him here. He was called Bertie so we called his Mum Gertie.



Gertie  sadly went to the Bridge in September but she was loved for the last 18 months of her life. She became really tame as well. I was worried about her loss in respect of Berts  as by then they were all interrogated into the  family and with the other 5…Ethel took him under her wing and all was well thankfully.

Berts has grown well and does cope really well.


It’s not easy to sheer him or do his feet but except for those times he is really sweet and very friendly.

Lovely Ethel only made it to 13 BUT her sister Esmerelda is still doing well 🙂

Like Bre she left a big hole and poor Bertie  had lost another who looked after him…..He is only slightly younger than Lambie so the are  friends now but he has no mother now as Ethie did stand in mum duties and none of the others are so kind….

Berts did think Albie would look after him but her motto has always been look out for number one lol…..

Alba still does her face pulling….I sometimes wonder if she knew I took this just before she got a hair cut lol…


She should have known as I had made a start on her lol…. It was hard to do them for certain this year. A lot of pain meds, some spinal injections and still only one a day till they were all done


I think Albs is regerstring her shock I did her lol She still does the most amazing faces …


I was horrified that it took me a week this time…The bones just don’t lke shearing sheep…

I love the bond thy and are still have though



Lovely Esmerelda taken just before Christmas and she WILL make it to 14!!!



May Be I Just Getting Old lol….

The truth really is that since Pups was stolen  all available time has gone on her search….3 years on and we are failing to get anything on her at all.  I know (or I feel strongly) that all I personally do is let Pups down yet I think the others in this ‘We’ don’t let her down….Its all a huge junked up mess in my head and its caused so much stress that flares via the psa have been  far too common.

They asked me about the mtx ….I find it makes me so sick and always have from the start of 10mg tablets through to the 25ml injections.  4 anti emetics by the end and still throwing up or feeling dead…..

I don’t miss that at all.

The flares  have stayed the same. The increase since Pups was stolen is hardly surprising..All of us  connected to her are having issues with stress, upset etc 24/7…..

In my case the psa have gone after the neck, hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders and the feet….Lol I sitting here thinking yep and the oa the back, also in the neck,  hips, base of skull and knees so  whats left to get trashed BUT I still  have  not been as much as my nightmares at the start of this all those years ago  had in them.

I walked like  drunken gorilla so long now I hate that bit and always have especially since I began the lurching wobbling side …. Its never felt fair that  I don’t drink yet my body behaves as if I am drunk….

There are big changes here… The Lodgers are no longer  here…. There are still 2 of them living with us for ever as I got them  them both off the owner….I also got 2 others off him,  they included Primmy and Blossom and they went to a lovely Rescue who have now  got them in to good solid caring new homes 🙂

Alba is still very much here along with 4 others and the old geriatric mare is still here as well…..Thats the short version but promise to up date on each of that lot as well.

This place went under water 3x the last week…..The weather has been so bad. Its brighter to day so with luck some of the mud will go sticky rather than the  lakes its now being… I hate winter 😉

Where ever you are though PLEASE  keep an eye out for Pups. We have no idea where she is or even if she is still alive….

Puppy Pup



I wish so much we knew where she was……



Right now in the British Countryside, as well as elsewhere in the British Isles, human beings are dying from broken hearts because of the loss of their dogs to dog thieves.

This is not a joke.

People are actually dying. They are getting sick. Some poor souls go so far as to commit suicide because they feel such overwhelming guilt for the loss of their stolen dogs. Others, especially elderly victims, suffer from complications as a consequence of depression and severe stress brought on by dog theft.

This should not be happening.

As I know from personal experience, it’s horrible not knowing what’s happened to your dog. Winston was one of the family and he gets missed a hell of a lot. He was stolen from our garden. We even have the CCTV, which, albeit on video, was when we all last saw him alive. We can see the…

View original post 805 more words

Poppy went missing 7th February 2014 in , her family have never given up  Click support
Please help  get to target for Poppy missing ova year  Plez click support
 needs 2get Poppy hot and know. Plez click support missing  

……Its been too long…..
My nightmare began when Sequel’s sister got stolen on the 16th November last year as you all know. Its been a very hard time and still she is in the ether….
Will come back to that though…..
You remember I was given beautiful Flower? She was meant to have another foal as part of the deal….but…..2 years running she isn’t in foal 🙂 She has had 5 and will be 11 in the spring so I am hoping she wont have to now.
I did think about breaking her in ….Got a saddle and bridle that would fit her but don’t have too much strength in my body now a days lol Pup’s theft has trashed me so much…..

I have Farley the 26 year old T/B cross now for the rest of her life…..I did managed to get the 4 ponies into rescue (oh one was so bad he really did need a rescue so fast) Their ex owner is non too well mentally and sadly she wont let Farley go to rescue so she is now permanently here. Got her some decent rugs and getting a lot of feed into her and quietly worrying about how much feed she will need over winter…..

Got 6 sheep but heartbreakingly one isn’t my beautiful Bre….I lost her to a heart problem back in August….She was special in a real way but is now with Wish again. She did seem to miss Wish so much….

She went without lingering, indeed a few months before she left us I lost her ….Hunted high and low and eventually found her in a gully …between a 7=8 foot high bank and a really well made fence actually chatting up a young 6 month old ram lol.

She was a beautiful girl and will keep her for my profile still….


She was about 12 and had the kindest face …..DSC05228



Some will always be that bit more special.

Ementrude is actually….Her and Ethel her sister (and the 2 little ones Esmarelda and Evlyn) are all doing so well lol. The two bigger ones must be 9 years now. The two little ones are 4 I think….and Alba…she is a giant and my big baby lol.


All growed up now but still a horror lol.

Seeks Pup’s sister is a spoilt brat who might benefit from going to boot camp with Albi lol. She is so like her sister so we use her for the posters as Pup won’t look like this any more…..

Pup At the same age Seeks was so like her too……So must still be really. We haven’t seen Pup since one day off 5 months old…..

31-07-14 049

She is still small but for once she can be her self…so …her is the mental not missing Sequel lol

Puhi's ....7th June 14. 054

Puhi's ....7th June 14. 024

The bones have got quite bad I guess. The OA is starting to really impact and due I think to the stress of Pup being stolen the PA will not give me any rest but thankfully the drug trial worked so well that I am still on the Tapentadol They and the Pregabs do help so much and I am a still good for 20-30 mins before I have to sit….I mean have to as well or I just flake out.

Looking for Pup has meant we got a foster dog and two pigs lol….. The pigs are huge but quite sweet …the dog…oh he is hell!! Have made some progress with him but he is still a handful and then some ……

Puhi's ....7th June 14. 083

The pigs were nearly sent to market and they had been raised as pet pigs so it would have been so hard for them…..They came here instead lolo They will never be eaten!! They did get out…..

Minnie wanted to scare the horses ….Flower decided she would stop and say hello so Minnie decided to run lol….

Escapies lol 007

Escapies lol 008

Escapies lol 010

They really are nice….but huge!!

Escapies lol 006

I have become obsessed with checking the lost and found sites so its been so nice to just spend a bit of time doing this./…I promise I will keep it up dated again and will just leave you all some more of these x

Puhi's ....7th June 14. 087

Puhi's ....7th June 14. 078

Puhi's ....7th June 14. 068

08..10..14 003

08..10..14 014

End of August 14 003

End of August 14 008

End of August 14 020

End of August 14 048

End of August 14 057

End of August 14 059

End of August 14 062

End of August 14 080

Escapies lol 036

Escapies lol 042Pu running

I am sorry its been quiet here…The tumble weed can go now and later I pronise you an up-date…..
Been so busy trying to find our stolen dog…..
Its almost a year now and I have failed biut will pop back tonight with a full up date.
Can I ask you all to share Pup’s page and posters  though please x

Missing still PupMore seeks 2


Poster Play (Medium) Pup 3

well…. nearly ……… lol

Had this ‘really good’ idea yesterday… would get a big bale as it works out a lot cheaper.  The horses were still here and a small bale wouldn’t last a night so….

Hitched up the trailer, which sounds easy but its hell! Big its not but its twin wheel and so heavy to lift up to get t on the tow bar.  The advantage of that is it doesn’t tip no matter how much weight you put in the back end lol maybe that’s why its was made like that.

Both my trailers are home made but both, what ever their faults, tow lovely…. So off we go, late by now of course but I turned up the field straight and it began to slide a bit…. Its an automatic so not as good on mud as a manual… we had to go back down and come up at a better angle and still it slipped…. but not enough to go sideways lol.

Sideways you loose and the number of times I have done just that…. I used to have this big 4 x 4…. LWB and was almost as good as a Landy but she wasn’t a tractor and did a massive slide right down the front fields slope and into the worst wettest bit…. The tractor got stuck trying to pull her out it was that bad but once he didn’t have the weight of the car he got out and we then used a very, very long rope lol.

The farmer got the bale, he only got haylidge, and as he loaded it on to the trailer 2 things became obvious…. A) the trailer is just not wide enough and B) the bales so heavy it was going to break it… so back to small bales till I can find someone to bring one right in as most will only drop it at the gate.  That gets muddy enough without them eating there…..

Had the jabs today and they so have helped the neck. The botox makes that muscle stop spasaming…. its the only thing that does now a days. When it locks up like that it really hurts and effects the left arm even more… it sort of effects that all the time anyway but when its locked it 5x worse.

She has upped the new tabs, hardly new any more but they are so effective and luckily the only side effects I have had has been a slight hangover feeling for a few mornings…. oh and sleeping 23 hours the first night 8-/  When I think how ill I used to be with the oxy’s and these are better pain relief and so clearly suit me 🙂

Its all a bit sore though just now …. and actually quite yellow having been plastered in iodine lol.

She hopes to avoid the bi-lats that way as I have had so many but she said she will not restrict me so much to numbers as to how many years…. I had the first lot in 1986 but those notes are long lost 😉

I shall leave you with more of the reprobates but just quickly before I forget…. the Pup has both a blog of her own so I don;t bang on about it here (Diary of a stolen springer pup on the blog roll at the side) and her own facebook page…. I have only joined for the pup though I can’t modernise that much 😉  Hey have even now got a laminater for her posters lol

Her page is

Over to these as the jabs do sting a ‘bit’ lol




Oy Where Is Our Dinner!!!!

Oy Where Is Our Dinner!!!!






Hey same chair same pup… she is really growing and look how much black flecks she is getting…. I wonder if her sister has the same now?

I know wrong blog 😉 Please publicise the Pup’s page as well as her anywhere you can though.

Right the pain in the lumber (I wont tell you why, suffice to say Alb’s doesn’t like her feet doing 😉   ) has eased enough to lie down so you all take care x

Old crone overnight lol

Something happened yet again this morning… Woke up in the normal pain and grumbling from the lumber …. went into the kitchen and out the kettle on then without reason or revenge the lumber gave out and I was on the floor……

Many things in this place are dodgy but the floor first thing…. before any clearing up…. can’t say I would recommend it….. lol.

Made it to the armchair and pulled my self up but oh it so hurt I just sat and cried… now that is not the way to fight arthritis….. that’s letting it win and besides i had dogs to get out, horses to let out and chicken to let out… though tell me this…

I have a few hens, I count them odd so there are 5 greys, 5 blacks, 3 speckled and then 2 buff coloured and one black and white one…. so tell me how come I am buying eggs…….

They are all having a huge moult just now but they doing it all together …. lol blame the weather 😉  The 3 young ones will soon be point of lay and with luck I might get a few roadies soon as well ands they should lay well too… note the word should 😉

Anyway back to the armchair and the useless pile of pain sat in it…

I was next to the phone and could  called have called for help but I was only wearing slippers and a t-shirt and nobody deserves that lol.  Bit like when I got in the bath and couldn’t get out… 3/4 of and hour that took lol. …… but who you going to call in that state of undress ……

I know I said this a lot but I truly do hate this arthritis stuff! It and I have battled for control of my body for so long and its sort of starting to win… but it wont 🙂

Back to this poor pup…. sorry

Well since starting this draft I have become a pup obsessed  moron…. That pup could so easily have been this little horror quietly pushing me out the armchair….

I choose Seeks instead of her sister that’s been stolen and well I keep thinking it could have been Seeks had I chosen the other little one it would have been. That is a good reason to really be looking for that pup.

I know her Mum and dad want her back and are both shocked and stunned and like me they are feeling it more each day. It will be 3 weeks on Saturday and well she has just disappeared and all that needs to happen is her ‘wonderful’ new owner takes her to a vet….. the chip will flag up …. but her new owner hasn’t bothered to as yet!

That’s when you worry. She isn’t with a responsible person where ever she is.

I don’t do face book…. its beyond me but she on there here

on my young-un’s facebook page and please anyone on facebook could you plaster here all over it… let them feel some heat!! She needs to get hot and its beyond me to do that side it really is.

She was picked up here ( the petition…. its a good idea and actually it surprised me it wasn’t already mandatory …. The UK dog laws etc are a mess and not for the first time Deffra need to take a look and make it harder to deal in stolen dogs!

You know I have had a bit of a shock one way and another…..a whole murky side of selling and easy market for stolen dogs….

Where the hell do they think the cheap wanted  dog comes from?!! I mean is that what they mean by stolen to order? Then you have the awful side of pups being used as fighting dog bait (though they tend to go for specific breeds of pups….Poor mites don’t have a chance! )

What a world eh? The UK is supposed to be a nation of dog lovers and yet under it all there is an ileitis trade in stolen dogs….. Add in the breed machine dogs who only know cages and puppies…

I really think that the representation of dog lovers does still hold but its under threat by this horrible trade in stolen dogs.  There does seem to be a lot going missing from their gardens and cars….. Especially near here so have become a bit paranoid I think 😉

Oh and don’t even start me on cat lovers….. I disrepair at some people but will have 2 unspayed cats, one just had kittens and the other probably will…. lol the soap box is getting taller 😉

Well taller it might be but speyed they will be! Long as I get them that is…..

Anyway back to the pup…

Have put up posters, have done leaflets, talked to dog owners asking them to keep an eye out. Have emailed all Cornwall’s vets (a lot have said to add her to their wall and have printed out her poster for their waiting rooms) Have done up-country vets on the off chance she was sold via one of these ‘wanted cheap dog and I don;t care if its been stolen’ adds… that’s really got to me I have to say…. and I hide it so well lol.

Contacted dog wardens and am now working my way through up-country ones as well as local…. I don;t know what else to do and please any ideas just say.

She has been on twitter via Dogslost (who are so good at helping) and everyone I know who uses it… facebook I think the same but we need to make her hotter…. I have no idea how to?

You read about making them ‘Too Hot to Handle’ but I just don;t know how to do it….. I know we have to but how beyond what we have done?

I almost joined face book…. If she had her own page …. would it help though? Could do a second blog on WP as I understand that but would it help get her out there and hot… really hot so they dump her and she can be picked up and scanned and we get her back?

Actually that’s an idea eh?  This blog is about us here but the pup has become so important and I feel so worried and its in the back of my mind all the time… Imagine how bad her Mum and Dad feel?!

I look at Seeks and I think what would she have done had it been her, how would it have effected her and round the circle we go….

See we do need to find her lol.

Right soap box away and I have the jabs in the spine and neck again Monday… its the 9th I think lol.  The big ones had to wait as I had quite a cough and do that at the wrong time it will hurt at least lol.  They are not pleasant to have but boy do they help especially with the endless spasaming that ‘probably’ isn’t helped by being so worried 😉

Seeks is growing up, the puppy has morphed into an adolescent that has more strength to push me out the chair lol.  She is now house-trained (that was easy you know she wanted to be… side glance at River and Imbie who both have separation problems …. Those 2 …. well they are def work in progress .. and in so many ways lol.

Imbie has good recall mind…. side glance at Haz…

Haz goes deaf…. he just disappears over a bank and seems to think if he comes back in behind me and comes from that way i will think he has been here all the time….. he really does believe us humans are thick lol.

He will be 8 in March and that means we have been lumbered with each other 7  years…. lol he is magic but can be so naughty…. He was hand raised (his mum died giving birth) and then he was not given enough boundaries….. well you can imaging how hard he was at 9 moths old when he and I became lumbered… lol it took me 18 months to love him he was so bad…. Chewed like a giant termite as well. He would drag the armchair into the middle of the room and then shark round it ripping out mouth fulls as he passed.

He ate every car seat out the car except the drivers one….

Now all he does is trash the chair covers indoors and a duvet in the car so a huge improvement eh 🙂

He has a bit of a clown in there as well 😉

Right i will think about the pup having her own blog….. it might take a long time to get her back but we will!!! We simply just have to and please keep her plastered everywhere you can think to put her.

Stay warm and take care x